1 عمومی:: ملامت كردن، تحقیر كردن، سرزنش كردن
شبکه مترجمین ایران
1 general:: 1. Invoke, as from heaven; for example, He called down the wrath of God. [Early 1800s] 2. Call someone down. Scold or reprimand, as in The conductor called her down for playing out of tune. [Mid-1800s] For a synonym, see DRESS DOWN, def. 1.
American Heritage Idioms
2 general:: Phrase(s): call something down (to someone) to shout something to a person on a lower level. • The worker called a warning down to the people below. • She called down a warning to them., Phrase(s): call something down (on someone) Fig. to invoke some sort of divine punishment onto someone. • The preacher sounded as though he was calling down the wrath of God on us. • Moses called down a plague on the Pharoah., Phrase(s): call someone down to reprimand a person; to bawl someone out. • The teacher had to call down Sally in front of everybody. • "I wish you wouldn’t call me down in public," cried Sally.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs